Visual Diary

In this Space I share mainly the things in which found beauty, on the streets or in the nature.

Sicily 23

A work meeting. As I already had to take the flight, I thought why not to take two more days of off on the Island in the calm wintery time to explore and enjoy.

Moving Mountains

Berlin Architecture Walk #1

On Christopher Street Day we took a photography walk through the architectural gems of Berlin.

Conference in Lisbon

In cloudy January, 17GRAD went to sunny Lisbon, to spend few days inside the LX Factory & listen to nerdy backend topics.

Hakona Lake

After the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, we yearned for a slice of natural tranquility and were eager to set our sights on the majestic Mt. Fuji.


Between the Kyoto & Osaka, we did a small stop at the artistic island call Naoshima.

